Post: [C++] Cau Truc Du Lieu.. Help!!!
User: 13520692
Infraction: Ngôn từ không phù hợp/không dấu
Points: 1
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User: 13520692
Infraction: Ngôn từ không phù hợp/không dấu
Points: 1
Administrative Note:
Ngôn từ không phù hợp/không dấu
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Ngôn từ không phù hợp/không dấu
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ai giup em cai... sao chuong trinh nay chi xoa duoc cai dau va cai cuoi thoi z.. con lai may cai kia thi no khong co xoa.... mog giup do..tks truoc
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; typedef struct SinhVien { float DiemTB; string HoTen,MSSV; struct SinhVien* next; }SV; typedef struct { struct SinhVien*head,*tail; }list; void khoitao(list &l) { l.head=NULL; l.tail=NULL; } void addtail(list &l,SV *p) { if(l.head==NULL) { l.head=p; l.tail=p; } else { l.tail->next=p; l.tail=p; } } SV* create(string _MSSV, string _HoTen, float _DiemTB) { SV *p; p=new SV; p->MSSV=_MSSV; p->HoTen=_HoTen; p->DiemTB=_DiemTB; p->next=NULL; return p; } void printlist(list l) { SV *p; p=l.head; for(;p!=NULL;p=p->next) cout<<"MSSV: "<<p->MSSV<<endl<<"Ho Ten: "<<p->HoTen<<endl<<"Diem TB: "<<p->DiemTB<<endl; } void xoahead(list &l) { SV *p; if(l.head==NULL) return; else { if(l.head==l.tail) { p=l.head; delete p; l.head=NULL; l.tail=NULL; } p=l.head->next; delete l.head; l.head=p; } } void xoasv(list& l,string _MSSV) { int i=0; SV *p,*p1,*p2; p=l.head; if((l.head == l.tail) && (l.head->MSSV == _MSSV)) { i=1; l.head=NULL; l.tail=NULL; delete p; } else { if(p->MSSV == _MSSV) { xoahead(l); i=1; } else { for(;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(p->next->MSSV == _MSSV) { i=1; p1=p->next; if(p1==l.tail) l.tail=p; p->next=p1->next; delete p1; } } } } if(i) { cout<<"da xoa. danh sach con lai la: "<<endl; printlist(l); } else cout<<"MSSV nhap tim khong thay"<<endl; } int main() { list l; SV *p; khoitao(l); string MSSV,HoTen; int i,n; float DiemTB; cout<<"so luong sinh vien: "<<endl; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"MSSV: "; fflush(stdin); getline(cin,MSSV); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Ho Ten: "; getline(cin,HoTen); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Diem TB: "; cin>>DiemTB; p=create(MSSV,HoTen,DiemTB); addtail(l,p); } cout<<"nhap MSSV can xoa: "; cin>>MSSV; xoasv(l,MSSV); }