Chào các bạn!
Chắc các bạn biết công ty hỗ trợ cho học bổng Salang Foundation cho SV Trường ĐH Công nghệ Thông tin (3 suất học bổng toàn phần - chi phí ăn, ở và học phí - trong suốt quá trình học Đại học). Hiện nay công ty có tuyển dụng sinh viên đã tốt nghiệp lẫn sinh viên thực tập như sau:
As a 100% import- export Investment Company Limited specialized in furniture field, its office is based in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam is giving announcement a vacancy for 1 full time Back Office Support. It’s developing and achieving the objectives of the effective system for internal and external communications between its own offices across all levels of the organization.
Minimum requirements:
Successful candidates will enjoy good working conditions in a friendly and creative working environment, open corporate culture, competitive benefits and compensation, and good training and professional development possibilities.
Interested qualified candidates are invited to send the resume in English, including copies of relevant certificates and references and state your expectation salary, either
Chắc các bạn biết công ty hỗ trợ cho học bổng Salang Foundation cho SV Trường ĐH Công nghệ Thông tin (3 suất học bổng toàn phần - chi phí ăn, ở và học phí - trong suốt quá trình học Đại học). Hiện nay công ty có tuyển dụng sinh viên đã tốt nghiệp lẫn sinh viên thực tập như sau:

Position: Back Office Support
Position: Back Office Support
As a 100% import- export Investment Company Limited specialized in furniture field, its office is based in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam is giving announcement a vacancy for 1 full time Back Office Support. It’s developing and achieving the objectives of the effective system for internal and external communications between its own offices across all levels of the organization.
Minimum requirements:
- English speaking
- College degree (Computer Science major internship applicable)
Successful candidates will enjoy good working conditions in a friendly and creative working environment, open corporate culture, competitive benefits and compensation, and good training and professional development possibilities.
Interested qualified candidates are invited to send the resume in English, including copies of relevant certificates and references and state your expectation salary, either
- by email (to ) or
- by post (to Oloa Home and Gardening Vietnam Office, No 5 Road 6, Phu Huu Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam),