We are looking for ambitious youths to join us in our journey to the west. The journey will be hard, dangerous and very crazy. That's why we only seek for the strong, brave and crazy one. Give up now so we don't waste your time.
For now, we are in need of these character classes
*Fighter* (aka Level Editor, or as you guys call it, Game Developers)
The main fighting force of our team, fighters will be the one to make a working product, tackle new problems with an ever-growing toolset. As such, those who apply for this class must have these characteristic
+ Good programming skill, with basic experience working with Unity (meaning that you can make a super mini game like "Flappy bird" in 7-10 days, with the coding done by yourself)
+ Fast learner, so that you can dive in the new toolset quickly for every project that we encounter.
+ Teamwork-able, because no one can travel alone, and you will work with at least 2 more teammates, so, unless you’re a prodigy who can finish a project all by yourself, you will have to work with people!
+ Not a characteristic, but you need your own device to work on. If you don’t have any, but are good enough at programming, then we will provide a device for you
Starting as a Fighter, your path of career will be Warrior => Commander => Knight
*Overseer* (aka Operator + Publisher)
The one who protect and care for the whole team’s arsenal by analyzing the data, finding the trend, optimize the product’s appearance to the public, and decide where and when to run a marketing campaign. In short, you will be the one to bring our products to the world. With those heavy duty, the characteristic for this class is a bit abnormal
+ Wise, to parse the knowledge from the plain data
+ Sharp, to turn those knowledge into information
+ Multilingual, to learn and to research
+ Independent, because you will only get basic instruction, and will have to be research all by yourself with little help.
That's it, those are our requirements, and also, it will be nice if you have one (or more) of these followings:
+ Read and understand this article without help from any one. Spotting and correcting any mistake in this article is a big plus.
+ One of the following race, human/elf/half-breed aka good attitude. We do not want barbaric member in our team. If you are a barbarian, but you are good and promise not to hurt any body in our team, then it's ok.
Soooo many requirements, it makes you wonder what you will receive from us, right? Here are our humble offers:
- A small amount of support each month (2.000.000 vnd) for internship. For job seekers, you should contact us directly
- Food expense for lunch with us (~30.000 vnd/work-day)
- Salary is always net, not gross (aka you receive full amount, no hidden cost)
- (work on many real projects)
Still not convinced? Try these:
- Not-too-shabby office, with a bus stop directly at our front door (we are here: https://goo.gl/mEPHBr with bus stop for bus 150)
- A chance to be our official member after your internship expired (depends on your performance)
If you're interested, and want to join, please send your email to >>> hr@gopencils.com <<< with the followings:
- A little information about you, with name, contact details.
- A little introduction in English or Vietnamese about you, and why do you want to join us.
- 0 CV please, we don't want to open *.docx or *.pdf files
- (optional, for Fighter class only) a real mini-project you made yourself, *.zip, *.7z or *.rar only. Preferably Unity projects (with out the Library and Temp folder for minimal size)
If you read till this sentence, thank you, have a little break, you are cool. And please input 1603 anywhere in your email for better treatment
Please note, our deadline for applicants is 25 June 2017. After that day, we will send out invites for suitable candidates and will begin to interview from 28 June 2017. Newly recruits will have to join in a training and began the journey ONLY AFTER the training is completed (food expenses are only paid AFTER you completed your training).
Any questions, suggestions or complains, please send to our email gopencils@gopencils.com, our mobile-phones are out of battery.
Thank you for reading.
For now, we are in need of these character classes
*Fighter* (aka Level Editor, or as you guys call it, Game Developers)
The main fighting force of our team, fighters will be the one to make a working product, tackle new problems with an ever-growing toolset. As such, those who apply for this class must have these characteristic
+ Good programming skill, with basic experience working with Unity (meaning that you can make a super mini game like "Flappy bird" in 7-10 days, with the coding done by yourself)
+ Fast learner, so that you can dive in the new toolset quickly for every project that we encounter.
+ Teamwork-able, because no one can travel alone, and you will work with at least 2 more teammates, so, unless you’re a prodigy who can finish a project all by yourself, you will have to work with people!
+ Not a characteristic, but you need your own device to work on. If you don’t have any, but are good enough at programming, then we will provide a device for you
Starting as a Fighter, your path of career will be Warrior => Commander => Knight
*Overseer* (aka Operator + Publisher)
The one who protect and care for the whole team’s arsenal by analyzing the data, finding the trend, optimize the product’s appearance to the public, and decide where and when to run a marketing campaign. In short, you will be the one to bring our products to the world. With those heavy duty, the characteristic for this class is a bit abnormal
+ Wise, to parse the knowledge from the plain data
+ Sharp, to turn those knowledge into information
+ Multilingual, to learn and to research
+ Independent, because you will only get basic instruction, and will have to be research all by yourself with little help.
That's it, those are our requirements, and also, it will be nice if you have one (or more) of these followings:
+ Read and understand this article without help from any one. Spotting and correcting any mistake in this article is a big plus.
+ One of the following race, human/elf/half-breed aka good attitude. We do not want barbaric member in our team. If you are a barbarian, but you are good and promise not to hurt any body in our team, then it's ok.
Soooo many requirements, it makes you wonder what you will receive from us, right? Here are our humble offers:
- A small amount of support each month (2.000.000 vnd) for internship. For job seekers, you should contact us directly
- Food expense for lunch with us (~30.000 vnd/work-day)
- Salary is always net, not gross (aka you receive full amount, no hidden cost)
- (work on many real projects)
Still not convinced? Try these:
- Not-too-shabby office, with a bus stop directly at our front door (we are here: https://goo.gl/mEPHBr with bus stop for bus 150)
- A chance to be our official member after your internship expired (depends on your performance)
If you're interested, and want to join, please send your email to >>> hr@gopencils.com <<< with the followings:
- A little information about you, with name, contact details.
- A little introduction in English or Vietnamese about you, and why do you want to join us.
- 0 CV please, we don't want to open *.docx or *.pdf files
- (optional, for Fighter class only) a real mini-project you made yourself, *.zip, *.7z or *.rar only. Preferably Unity projects (with out the Library and Temp folder for minimal size)
If you read till this sentence, thank you, have a little break, you are cool. And please input 1603 anywhere in your email for better treatment

Please note, our deadline for applicants is 25 June 2017. After that day, we will send out invites for suitable candidates and will begin to interview from 28 June 2017. Newly recruits will have to join in a training and began the journey ONLY AFTER the training is completed (food expenses are only paid AFTER you completed your training).
Any questions, suggestions or complains, please send to our email gopencils@gopencils.com, our mobile-phones are out of battery.
Thank you for reading.