Jump to Japan
29th Aug, 2017, 9:00-12:00 at Hall E.12 - UIT
29th Aug, 2017, 9:00-12:00 at Hall E.12 - UIT
(1)Introduction of Organization
Bizjapan: A NPO organization mainly consists of University of Tokyo, Keio, Waseda students. We are the host of this event.
(2)Purpose of this event
This event is held by bizjapan members belonging to JumpJapan project. JumpJapan is a part of Career Stream project, and the content is having Bizmembers go abroad and introduce various Japanese environments to local people who are interested in Japan. We also plan to have 'Seniors', who were foreigners but now work in Japan, to give some advice and let participants understand Japan more. Such as, the main purpose is motivating participants to go to Japan and help students who are interested in Japan. The advantage is that you can talk with your 'Seniors' in person and it would give you much more information than that through the Internet.
We also have the next stage project, which is Career Design Studio project. The main purpose of this project is to help foreign students in Japan to learn how to get jobs. The final stage project is Career Forum. Its purpose is to help them to get job in Japan actually.
Career Stream consists of these three parts, and this project is JumpJapan project.
- ・To pepole planning to study in Japan
- ・To people planning to work in Japan
- ・To people who are interested in Japan
Temporary Schedule
9:00 - Opening: Give the hand out about sponsers, and check in
9:15 - Introduction of organization and sponsers
9:30 -10:00 Presentation by bizmenber:
Presentation about the environment of studying and working in Japan
What kinds of resources Japan lacks.
The lack of labor power in Japan due to the aging society, EJU
10:00 -10:30 Presentation by ‘senior’:
If it is possible, I want to have Vietnamese who have already studied or worked
in Japan give presentation on the basis of their experience.
If it is impossible, I will do some interviews and have a bizmember give the presentation about it instead of them.
10:30 - 10:40 The presentation by CityNow
10:40 - 10:55 Introduction of Japanese culture
10:55 - 11:35 Discussion and Q&A: Presenting each group’s opinion and on the basis of it, have a short discussion and Q&A session between participants and speakers
11:35 - Closing: Fill the questionnaire and individually give advice to participants who want be supported with EJU or something
