Chào các bạn!
Các bạn xem thông tin tuyển thực tập của PwC ở bên dướ
PwC Careers Site at or apply the links below.
English CVs and most recent university transcripts (soft copies) are required for online applications.
Only shortlisted candidates who apply through our Careers Site will be considered.
What does PwC offer?
Các bạn xem thông tin tuyển thực tập của PwC ở bên dướ
PwC Careers Site at or apply the links below.
Ho Chi Minh City | Hanoi City |
Only shortlisted candidates who apply through our Careers Site will be considered.
What does PwC offer?
- The opportunity to be considered for a permanent position following the internship;
- Career development opportunities, while building up a profile and a network; and
- A full-time internship, with compensation, training opportunities, and the provision of a laptop.